Dettagli Prodotto

  • Designer

    Carlo Nason

  • Produttore


  • Data del Design

    Dal 1970 al 1979

  • Altezza

    55 cm

  • Diametro

    38 cm

Lampade da tavolo di Carlo Nason per Mazzega, anni '70, set di 2

coppia di lampade disegnate da Carlo Nason per Mazzega negli anni '70, sono realizzate in vetro opalino bianco lucido con diffusore interno a coppa.

Italian designer Carlo Nason was born into a family of expert glassmakers in 1935 in Murano, Venice. His father, Vincenzo Nason, directed the renowned glass business NasonMoretti and opened a second glass business under the name Vincenzo Nason & C in 1941. From an early age, the younger Nason received training in the art of glassblowing, learning about both the properties of the material and the artisanal techniques used in glass molding and decoration.

Carlo Nason

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